All members of the MIT community are expected to comply with all Institute Policies and Procedures.
Listed below are policy websites that are particularly relevant to postdocs.
Please visit the Office of the VPR website to see policies related specifically to research.
MIT Policies webpage on Academic Research Staff Appointments - Definitions and key policies related to postdoctoral positions at MIT.
Research Policies and Procedures - Includes guidance on intellectual property, human and animal subjects, outside professional activities, use of MIT name and logo, conflict of interest, and more
Relations and Responsibilities with the MIT Community - Provides guidance on a wide range of topics including harassment, complaint and grievance procedures, and access and accommodations for those with disabilities.
Research Integrity and Compliance - Includes resources and best practices for avoiding research misconduct or general misconduct, and information about addressing problems and complaints
Salary and Benefits - Summary information related to salary and stipend thresholds, health benefits for postdoctoral fellows.
Teaching and Taking Courses at MIT
MIT Consensual Relationships Policy - Consensual Sexual or Romantic Relationships in the Workplace or Academic Environment.
Updated March 30, 2024