Academia, Industry, or Both?

Topic: Academia, Industry, or Both?

Date and Time: Monday, July 14, 2014  


Charles Cooney, Professor of MIT Chemical Engineering Department

Jack Turner, Associate Director of MIT Technology Licensing Office (TLO)

David Weitz, Professor of Physics and Applied Physics at Harvard.

Planning your career after graduation? Or did you just start grad school and are not sure what you want to do in the long run? Are you choosing between industry and academia and deciding on which career path to follow? Hear how successful professionals have done it. Both faculty and industrial panelists who have led successful careers outline important strategies in career development within industry and academia. They share their experiences and advice to help you decide whether industry or academia is more suitable for you.

Sponsor: MIT Graduate Student Council - Academics, Research, and Careers Committee (with assistance from GECD and the Office of the VPR); recorded by the Office of the Dean for Graduate Education.

Presentation video in ODGE PRO-DEPOT:!29530-academic-career-series-academia-industry-or-both